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6 November 2023

Winter League - Week 4 Results - 05/11/2023

Mick's Report...

Well what a wonderful Sunday yesterday turned out to be, even for us Early starters, as we enjoyed pleasant weather from start to finish, and I am sure the rest of you did as well. I was surprised to see how wet the course was to be honest, but , then even more surprised to see how firm the greens where. Some areas are wetter than others, so please be mindful when out there of the paths you take, remember the shortest route may not be the safest route - I know the Greens lads will be working hard with Traffic management over the coming weeks, and even diverting traffic on a totally different route, whilst the Grasscutter takes in the Barbadian Sun for a week or so!!

Well Done to Justin and Henry as They managed to come out on top of a 4 way Tie - all scoring 49 - their back 9 was better than the other 3 pairs, as they had 17 and the other 3 pairs had 19. The runners up where Ian (Moaning) Marsh and Mark Howarth with a back 6 of 13 , as they edged out Steve Kelsall and Trev (back 6 of 14) and Daz Grundy and Young Ollie (Back 6 of 15) - Marshy you may have won if you had been allowed to use a Mat!!

Some notable achievements yesterday - and all mainly from our Juniors - Young Lewis having at 2 at the 6th as his 120 yard wedge went in for a 2 for 1 - Young Cadey who chipped in on 6 for a 3 for 1 and Finally young Ollie having a 2 at the 10th for a Nett 1 - All great to hear about and great to see the future of the club, not on Z-box or Facetok and Instatik - but playing golf with their parents, and taking money off us more experienced individuals.

Not to sure Cadey will be Happy with Uncle Dan, as he marked their card incorrectly and put the 4 Nick and Cadey both recorded on the first hole, in Nicks column as a 4/3 - unfortunately Nick did not get a shot and their 49 became a 50 - and with 18 on the back 9, if Uncle Dan had marked it correctly they would have come 2nd with 18 on the Back 9. They are due to play each other in the next round of the Jones Jug - be interesting to see who wins, but I am sure Nick / Cadey won't need any motivation - Feel Sorry for Steve in this as he was an innocent partner of Dan, and he may get caught in the crossfire!

Thanks to all for playing your Knockouts, and for letting me know you where doing and for letting me know the results - all ties have been updated and are attached below - Some are playing this weekend - and if anybody else wants to arrange your best card or Jones Jug for sunday - let me know - however the format is 4 Clubs and a Putter.

All monies won - £72 each for winners and £36 each for runners up, will be credited to the account of your choice - 2's paid out £12 this weekend and this will now go in the Pro Shop, and the Pro Shop is now an option for you to use going Forward for any winnings - Support your Pro.

Greens Notice

On the 12th and 13th of November major aeration is taking place on the greens, therefore, Temp / Frost Greens will be used over the following weekend identified by a white outer line then a RED circle around the hole cup ... a ball finishing on or inside that RED line will be deemed as holed out . It is not necessary to continue with play on that green once the ball has come to rest in the above designated area.

From Monday (today)  14th green will be on a frost green with the white outer circle and red inner circle. The green will be situated on the 13th fairway to reduce wear and tear around the 14th green, bit of a different twist on the usual place but still a good hole .
Thanks in advance.. DB (Head Grasscutter)

Due to the above, then all Par 3's in Play next Sunday will count as 2's Holes.

Bury Golf Club Remembrance Sunday

We shall at the hour of 11am - Hold a Minutes Silence when out on the Course - The hooter will sound with a continuous blast at 11am and then a double blast after a Minute. It would be appreciated if you could set an alarm on your phone if out at the 11th / 14th holes, so you can pay your respects. May I just add at this point in the background of the Picture bottom left, Ian toole is not Having a Wee!

Any further updates for this coming Sunday will be relayed on WhatsApp

Have a Great Week


Download This Weeks Files

Format for Sunday 12th November
New Handicaps
League Table
Subs Used up to and including Week 4
Wiselow Best Card
Jones Jug - Matchplay
Results Week 4
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