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5 February 2024

Winter League Results Week 13 - 04-02-2024

Mick's Report...

Good day to you all

Well as I played yesterday (Badly I might add) and was on the way to be taken to the Cleaners by 'Hair Flick' and 'Passport2' - until I managed to make a 3 on 17 for a 5 time ouzler, which softened the pay out dramatically of the stakes on the game (£5 and 50p Bits) - See I told you I would make it all about me lol - Seriously well played Gaz / Rob, some top golf - but alas the score which I thought may be up there, was nowhere near. Our Winners on the day were John Ennis and Shaun Dowling, 2 of the nicer Gents in the League, unlike some of the Ragamuffins and waives that normally play and win - Great score of 36 points, on without doubt our toughest course on the Men's Scorecard - especially when that wind got up for the later starters - Tough Track indeed. Our Runners up on the day where the Marsupial Steve Tranter and his Partner Nick Partington (Subbing for Henry) with 34 points, fighting off 3 pairs - Hamer / Seymour, The Browns and Grundy / Richardson by way of their 22 points on the back 9. Unfortunately I have no picture of John / Shaun as they have avoided me all winter due to being Camera Shy - apologies - Unless they can forward me one, which I will gladly add to the report at a later date.

2's Yesterday paid out £6.20 per player - I am not going to give any positive Press to Holt / Morris and I have no reason to let you all know they had 2 x 2's (if you did not already know) or let you know they won 2 bets yesterday - Typical gamblers chasing money, as they have lost so much each week to their 4 Ball opponents they are now trying to play pairs outside their 4 balls in order to try and make up for the ££££'s lost already this WL.

We have our Best Card Finalists - This Years Wiselow Trophy will be contested by Paul Wilcock / Dave Jolley v John Finnegan / Tony Jordan, and will be decided this coming Sunday 11th Feb. Bomber Berry and Guy Hamer beat Spike / Charlie yesterday to book their places in the Match Play Final, where they await the outcome of the other Semi Final being played this Sunday where Paul Wilcock / Dave Jolley play Gaz Taylor / Rob Bamping. The final of the Match Play will be played Sunday 18th Feb (Hence the Format reshuffle).

I have given pride of place in the Main Feature photo to our Head Greenkeeper, Dave Berry (DB, Grasscutter, Weed Puller, Diggy McDigger and many other aliases I have for him). I think its important to let all those know who book tee times, and turn up to play golf, that the course is made playable by the dedication of Dave and all the Greens Team and some of the unsung 'Working Party', ably led by Garry Shoreman. Dedication to the cause is shown week in week out, none more so than this weekend just gone by, as we played our Annual 'Non Perishables' 'Greenkeepers Revenge' 'Welcome to Hell' comp on a course that was as inventive as it was difficult, but beyond anything else it was great fun to play in (Even though some in some corners of the Clubhouse some were asking what the Blue Circles were for - beggars belief) and some of the ideas were fantastic TBH. Once the Comp was over and after his Cameo appearance at the Presentation, he went back out on the course and started to make it fit for us lads to play, on the Sunday - finishing off this before Sunrise and the first group teeing off. If you look closely at the Photo, you will see he has the Golf Boots on the Wrong Feet - Its a story of when I took him to Formby - I am sure he will fill you in (Bit like one of his holes he has dug) if you ask him.

Thanks for the above DB and your contribution each week, but to me your still a glorified Weed puller!

New Handicap sheet will be added to this report later today - however for those that played yesterday, your new Handicap is on the Result sheet.

Have a Great Week

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